Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur has thanked the Union Government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for approving Rs. 284.94 crore assistance under National Disaster Relief Fund (NDRF) for meeting out the losses occurred due to incessant rains and floods during last monsoon season in the State. This approval had been given by National Committee held under the chairmanship of Union Home Minister Amit Shah, yesterday.
Chief Minister said that Central Government had provided Rs. 312 crore assistance to the State Government last year against reported loss of Rs. 2099 crore which comes to around 17 percent.
Jai Ram Thakur said that State had received highest ever assistance from the Central Government under NDRF during last two consecutive years for monsoon losses. He said that State Government had also received Central assistance of Rs. 64.49 crore for winter losses during last year.
Chief Minister said that Central Government was providing liberal assistance to the State for carrying out developmental works. He also applauded the Principal Secretary Revenue and Disaster Management Team for putting up the case earnestly for getting Central assistance.