
Roastery Coffee introduces Balur Estate Limited Edition Thick Bed Honey Coffee

Roastery Coffee introduces Balur Estate Limited Edition Thick Bed Honey Coffee

Roastery Coffee, one of the best specialty coffee roasters with cafes in Hyderabad and Kolkata, has introduced Balur Estate Limited Edition Thick Bed Honey Coffee that comes from one of the most well-known coffee plantations, Balur Estate, in Karnataka. It is a Limited Edition coffee, perfect for Pour Over and AeroPress brew lovers, as well as for all discerning coffee aficionados with notes of bubblegum and stone fruit in it, giving it a dash of exotic, fruity, and refreshing flavor.

“Thick bed” is a technique where coffee is handpicked and then dried on a thick bed to retain more moisture which results in slow drying and develops sweeter characters in coffee. The beans are roasted light to lend the notes of bubblegum and stone fruits, which makes for an interesting combination. The rare taste of Bubblegum in your coffee lends it a unique character. 

Roastery Coffee House

Roastery Coffee brings to you fresh, seasonal coffee sourced from the best coffee farms across India. It is one of the finest brands of artisanal Coffee and offers a wide range of coffees, each brewed differently. The Balur Estate Limited Edition Thick Bed Honey coffee is a new addition to brand’s already existing range of special edition variants which include Harley Estate Grapa, Monsoon Malabar, Thogarihunkal Estate Honey Sun Dried Coffee, Carbonic Maceration (Harley Estate), to name a few. 

Balur Estate has been a 400-acre coffee plantation since the 1840s. Today, it is under the responsible stewardship of fourth-generation coffee planters. What makes Balur Estate coffee so unique is its location and elevation. Balur Estate coffee is processed with the utmost attention at each processing stage from picking to milling. Every bean by hand, manually harvested only when the fruits are cherry red, and no mechanical harvesting is used that would mix bitter green beans in with matured red fruit. State of the art machinery and skilled workers are employed to ensure coffee that is consistently defect-free. Different methods of coffee processing are explored at the estate and the phrase “quality from crop to cup” best describes the planning and operation of Balur Estate coffee.

So visit Roastery Coffee House in Hyderabad and Kolkata for a perfectly brewed cup of limited edition Balur Estate Thick Bed Honey Coffee or order online for brewing pleasure at home.

Price range: INR 400 -750

Available at :

Russell Wells brings over a decade of diverse content writing experience to the table, having delved into topics ranging from automotive advancements to the intricacies of travel, the nuances of culinary delights, and the complexities of education. With a commitment to continuous improvement, Russell stays at the forefront of his craft, ensuring his skills remain sharp and his content relevant. Through his passion for storytelling and knack for engaging readers, Russell endeavors to create captivating content that not only informs but also leaves a lasting impression.


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