Chandigarh, May 7:
Haryana Education Minister, Mr. Ram Bilas Sharma today said that students will now be able to get Job Role certificate after class IX-X under the Vocationalization of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Scheme of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
The Education Minister said that earlier under the centrally sponsored scheme, vocational education is imparted from class IX to XII and the students select a particular job role in class IX, whose curriculum spread over 4 years (till class XII). Thus, the student studied and trained in a single job role in 4 years and the scheme was run only in Senior Secondary schools.
He said that now after detailed deliberations at national level, some important revision has been incorporated in the scheme. Under the revised scheme, the students could obtain one job role certificate in class IX-X and if they continue their studies in class XI-XII, they could get another separate certificate of job role in vocational course.
He said that the Central Ministry has issued a list of 73 job roles. In Haryana, system has been put into place to impart skill education in 14 vocational courses. The Government has issued instructions regarding vocational courses in class IX under which Healthcare (Patient Care Assistant, Vision Technician and Media Entertainment (Animator) will be imparted from class XI and XII as a two year course. The schools which are imparting these courses in class IX could send the proposal of other vocational courses in its place.
The Minister said that the schools located in rural areas or educational backward blocks, where the number of students is less, could send proposal to start one vocational course instead of two. He said the under the revised scheme, besides senior secondary schools, the secondary schools fulfilling the necessary criteria could also sent their proposals for starting vocational courses to Council of School Education, Haryana.
He said that in yet another important decision taken by the Central Ministry, in case the students who could not pass class X or XII in general education and complete their vocational courses, they would be given certificate of vocational course so that they able to start their own venture. This decision will benefit those students who could not complete their general education but have skill in vocational courses.