Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur today said the World Bank had given its nod to fund the Rs 1,400-crore Shimla Water Supply and Sewerage Project, along with similar projects in 13 urban local bodies in the state.
Informing the Vidhan Sabha about the development, Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur said the Ministry of Economic Affairs had granted in-principle approval to the Shimla project which will cater to the water requirements of the capital.
“The project, being executed by Shimla Jal Pradhikaran Nigam Ltd, will be funded by the World Bank, a decision taken by the Economic Affairs Ministry in a tripartite meeting that took place in Delhi on August 22,” he said. The decision was taken following satisfactory work executed under Phase I of this project.
He added that Rs 280 crore had been received under Phase-I while in-principle approval had been given to the second phase as well. He said a team of officials from the World Bank Mission had visited the state from November 12 to 23 and given nod to implement the scheme in 134 urban local bodies on 100 per cent funding.