Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Dr. Rajiv Saizal chaired the 72nd Board of Directors meeting of Himachal Pradesh Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Development Corporation, here today.
Dr. Saizal said that it was important to improve the socio-economic status of people belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe. He said that the State SC and ST Development Corporation was working towards the welfare of people belonging to these categories. He directed the Corporation to make intensive efforts for the upliftment of these people.
He said that Government was making policies for welfare of people belonging to SC and ST categories. He directed the Corporation to organise awareness camps for educating the youth regarding their rights.
Minister also directed the Board to organise quarterly meeting of the Corporation. He stressed on disposal of problems of people belonging to SC/ST category in a phased manner.
The issues relating to increase present capital income from Rs. 90 crore to Rs. 110 crore, fixed income of Rs. 35 thousand and loan limit of Rs. 50 thousand under Self employment scheme and other administrative issues were also discussed in the meeting.
Vice-Chairman of the Corporation Jai Singh, Additional Chief Secretary Social Justice and Empowerment Department Nisha Singh and official and non official members of the Board were also present in the meeting.